Corporate name: Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie

Status : Endowment fund governed by Law No. 2008-776 of August 4, 2008, on the modernization of the economy, Decree No. 2009-158 of February 11, 2009, concerning endowment funds, Law No. 2021-1109 of August 24, 2021, strengthening respect for the principles of the Republic, and Decree No. 2022-813 of May 16, 2022.

SIRET: 923 188 163 00011

Registered office: 25 B PARC DE MONTRETOUT, 92210 SAINT-CLOUD

Publication manager: Thomas Mulhaupt, in his capacity as Managing Director of the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie

Design and production: the “France China Foundation” website was produced by the BATO agency.

Hosting : OVH

Legal notice and terms of use of the website: The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie is the publisher of the website. Access to the site and use of its content must comply with the laws and regulations in force and with the conditions of use and limitations described below.

Intellectual property rights: The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie is the owner of the domain name. The Site is an intellectual work protected by intellectual property law. The site as a whole and each of its components (such as texts, tree structures, software, animations, images, photographs, illustrations, diagrams, logos, sounds, music) are the exclusive property of the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie. Consequently, in application of the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code and international conventions, the use of all or part of the Site, in particular by downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or distribution for purposes other than for your personal and private use for non-commercial purposes is strictly forbidden. Violation of these provisions will subject you to the penalties provided for in the French Intellectual Property Code and the French Criminal Code, notably for copyright and trademark infringement, and in the French Civil Code for civil liability. Hyperlinks to the Site may only be created with the prior written authorization of the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie. This authorization may be revoked at any time. To do so, you can send us an e-mail to or write to us at the following address:

Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie – 15 rue de la Bûcherie, 75005 Paris

Personal data – Confidentiality

General conditions of the confidentiality clause: The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie respects the confidentiality of its members and Internet users. No confidential information collected for the purpose of controlling traffic flow and optimizing the content of the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie website will be communicated to a third party. Links : The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie declines all responsibility for any links that may be created to its site.

Use by a third party of confidential information: The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie website provides links to other websites. Unless otherwise stipulated, the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie cannot be held responsible for the confidentiality rules or the content of such sites, and cannot prevent the use of any information whatsoever.

Protection of personal information :In accordance with Articles 39 et seq. of the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, amended in 2004, and the General Data Protection Regulation that came into force on May 25, 2018, you have the right to access, rectify and delete any data concerning you. To exercise this right, please send an e-mail to

Security: Users must understand and accept that absolute security does not exist anywhere, including on the Internet.

Warranties and liability: The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie endeavours to update the content of its site regularly, but in no way guarantees that this content is accurate, complete or up-to-date. The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie makes no warranty, express or implied, concerning all or part of the Site. The Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie is free to modify and/or delete, at any time and without notice, all or part of the services offered on the site, and more generally any site content.

Litigation: The present disclaimer is drawn up in accordance with French law, and in particular with the provisions of the law of June 21, 2004 on confidence in the digital economy and the law of January 6, 1978 amended by the law of August 6, 2004 on information technology and civil liberties. The French courts have territorial jurisdiction to hear any dispute relating to the Site.

Hyperlinks : The creation of hypertext links by third parties to pages or documents published on the Fondation de l’École polytechnique website is authorized, provided that the links do not contravene the interests of the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie, and that they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the origin and author of the document.

Image protection and rights: Some of the photographs, illustrations and videos on this site are the property of the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie, which produced them for the various events organized on its site. In accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, they may not be used or reproduced without the express authorization of the Foundation.

Any use without the prior authorization of the Fonds de préfiguration de la Fondation France-Asie constitutes a civil and criminal offence, and will be prosecuted.

Website photographs, illustrations and videos: © Fondation France-Asie