By invitation
Forum Track 2 France-China
Created in 2018, after President Emmanuel Macron's visit to China, Track 2 France China is a joint initiative of the France China Foundation (FCF), China chapter of the France-Asia Foundation, and the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs (CPIFA). The aim is to discuss relations between France and China behind closed doors, to promote mutual understanding. Held alternately in France and China, each year the event brings together around 15 speakers from each of the two countries: experts, former diplomats and politicians, business leaders, journalists, and heads of organizations and associations. The meeting is divided into two parts: firstly, an overview of the relationship between China and France, in the European and international context, followed by an in-depth discussion of cooperation in the face of the climate challenge. The Track 2 France-China Forum is supported by Allen & Overy and takes place at the law firm's offices in France.