Interview with Masoom Minawala (YL 2023 – India)

Our Young Leaders Spotlight series puts the spotlight on Masoom Minawala, an iconic figure in Indian fashion! She shares her impressions of her journey with the Young Leaders program and her significant contribution to strengthening Indo-French relations.


Tell us about your experience as Young Leader 2023.


Taking part in the 2023 Young Leaders program was a truly incredible experience. The program has been meticulously planned, with a perfect balance across different sectors. From diverse experiences to engaging activities and workshops, every aspect has been carefully selected. Despite having participated in many leadership programs before, I can honestly say that none have reached the level of planning and attention to detail offered by this program.


What role do you see Young Leaders playing in promoting exchanges and innovation for the benefit of India and France?


From my point of view, especially as someone rooted in the fields of digital entrepreneurship and fashion, Young Leaders have significant potential to stimulate impactful dialogues and innovation. France is positioned as a world leader in the fashion industry, while India boasts a robust manufacturing infrastructure with expertise in intricate detailing and embroidery. I believe there is a huge opportunity to be exploited by bringing these two sectors closer together in the global fashion landscape. If I could use my position to facilitate greater collaboration between these nations, we could see some remarkable results.


The cross-cultural interactions that took place during the Young Leaders seminar underlined the importance of creating strong interpersonal links between French and Indian leaders. How do you think such relations can have a positive impact on our bilateral cooperation?


These interpersonal links are obviously an asset. Building these relationships involves learning from each other's contrasting backgrounds, encompassing diverse economies and cultural nuances. In the midst of these differences emerges a recognition of shared traits and collaborative potential. Looking at two countries with distinct economic, cultural and socio-economic landscapes, we can see that their strengths and weaknesses often complement each other. By harnessing these synergies across industries and personal relationships, incredible possibilities emerge.


How would you like to see these relationships grow, and how would you like to contribute?

I'm really looking forward to nurturing and expanding the relationship between India and France, particularly in the field of digital entrepreneurship. I plan to foster meaningful collaborations with my French counterparts that capitalize on the strengths of both nations. In addition to digital entrepreneurship, as I mentioned earlier, there is huge potential for synergy in the fashion industry. I intend to actively explore avenues of cooperation and partnership that capitalize on the expertise and resources of both countries. Through proactive engagement and an open approach, I aim to contribute to the growth and enrichment of this relationship, creating opportunities that benefit both nations.

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